4/22/13..7:25..MC2..Colter Law 4/24/13..7:25..MC2..Pitch Slappers/Rustic 5/01/13..9:45..MC1..Lithia Toyota/PWP 5/06/13..9:45..MC1..Claim...
Pre-Season Injury Updates
Well..we are living up to our Team Geritol name, in that we have already had a rash of injuries and the season is a month away. Here are...
SENIOR SOFTBALL! (One letter at a time)
S is for Senior, Senior Softball Playing guys our own age Is the most fun of all E is for extra Extra base hit The older I am The fewer I...
Following is a list of 2013 Team Geritol New Year’s Resolutions as submitted to me by the players themselves. I appreciate the teams’...
State +40 Tournament
Team Geritol finished in 3rd place in this 9'team tourney. We played good ball to position ourselves to be playing against the eventual...
The Season has Begun...
80+ degrees for the first league game. and it hasn't been that warm since. This year's schedule is fantastic. Abe did a great job. We...
Tournament and League Calendar Link
I have added a Tournament and league calendar link to the website. It is in the left hand column, in red ink and listed under "Links." I...
2012 MSA League Numbers
Here are the team and league numbers as presented at the MSA Board meeting last night: Men's "C" ...16 teams Men's "D-1"..16 teams Men's...
Pre-Season News
Ambu-Lance Horner has asked for a year sabbatical. Lance wants to come back and play again in 2013, however he feels it would be best to...
News from the State ASA meeting in Butte, 2/4/2012
STATE TOURNAMENT DATES AND SITES: Mens +40 Masters & +50 Seniors...August 3-5, Missoula. State B...Bozeman...August 10-12. (Tourney was...